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Botanical Collage

Smoke and Fire

2023, 12”x14”, Nandina, Burning Bush, Crocosmia, Herb Robert, Fuchsia and Japanese Maple on handmade paper on wood, cold wax finish, framed.


2023, 19”x 30”, Brugmansia, False Hellebore, Lichen, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2023, 16.5”x 19.5”, Brugmansia, False Hellebore, Lichen, handmade paper on wood, ink, highlighter, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2022, 8”x 13” Datura and Anemone on handmade paper and wood, ink protective finish, cold wax, framed.

The Monster in Me

2022, 11”x 27”, Brugmansia, Daisy, ink, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Walking in the Air

2022, 20”x 30” Ligularia, Ginkgo, Japonica, Brugmansia, Datura, Artchoke leaf on handmade paper and wood, ink, acrylic paint, protective...


2022, 23”x 11”, Datura, Kale, Brunnera, Ligularia, Blood Root, Crane Fly, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2022, 10”x 26” Brugmansia, Magnolia, Fern on handmade paper and wood, ink, protective finish, cold wax,framed.

Higher Self

2022, 11” x 27” Artichoke leaf, Brugmansia, False Hellebore on handmade paper and wood, ink, highlighter, protective finish, cold wax...

In the Night forest

2022, 10”x 14” Datura, Dusty Miller, ink, acrylic paint on handmade paper and wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Controlled Burn

2022, 10”x 14” Datura, Sorrel, Brunnera, Ginkgo, Crane Fly wings on handmade paper and wood, ink, acrylic paint, protective finish, cold...

My Pretties

2022, 8”x 16” Datura, Cedar on handmade paper and wood, ink, acrylic paint, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2022, 12”x 20”, Poppy, Crocosmia, Moss, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Hoosier Roots, Spring Storm

2022, 9”x 13”, Lichen, Polypody Fern, Cypress, Crocosmia, ink, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed...

Japonica Rising

2022, 18”x 24” Japanese Japonica Aralia, ink, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Morning has broken

2022, 20”x 22” Japonica, Hydrangea Skeleton, Peony, ink, acrylic paint, highlighter, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax...

Rooted in Celebration

2022, 16.5” x 16.5”, Hydrangea Skeleton, Lichen, Nandina, ink, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2022, 20”x 20” , Brunnera, Iris, Magnolia, Nandina, ink, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Sacred Heart

2022, 12”x 16”, Caladium, Datura, ink, acrylic paint, highlighter, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2022, 16”x 16” Datura, Ligularia, ink, acrylic paint, highlighter, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2022, 16”x 16”, Datura, Hellebore, Daisy, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Deep Field Image

2022 14”x 14” Lupine, Ivy, Sage Brush, Spanish Flag, Geranium, Dusty Miller, Tendril, Feather, Hydrangea, ink, handmade paper on wood...


2022, 14”x 14”, Lichen, ink, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Lichen Landscape

2022, 28” x 14”, Lichen, acrylic paint, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2022, 14”x 14”, Datura, Peony Leaf, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Beneath the Surface

2021 17”x 13”, Poppy petals, moss, ink, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Devastating Beauty

2021 14”x 14”, Nandina, Burning Bush, Stick, Lichen, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, framed. Sold


2022 14”x 14”, Fern, Lichen, acrylic paint, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2022, 14”x 14”, Datura, Peony Leaf, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2021 19”X 17”, Sweet Gum, Sorrel, Dusty Miller, ink, highlighter,, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Devastating Beauty, Hills, Wind, Fire

2021 28”x 19”, Nandina, Burning Bush, Stick, Lichen. Acrylic paint, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.

Stardust to Stardust

2021, 30”x 18”, Datura, Queen Anne’s Lace, Artichoke, bead, feathers, ink, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold...

3 Graces

2021 21”x 13”, Dahlia, Caitlin, Rae. Datura, Brunnera, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, framed. SOLD


2021, 21”x 24” Magnolia Petal, Pulmonaria, Japanese Maple leaf, Lichen, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2021, 18”x 13”, Lichen, Japanese Maple Whirligig, acrylic paint, handmade paper on wood, protective finish, cold wax, framed.


2021, 14”x 14” Dusty Miller, Nandina, Lichen, acrylic paint, ink, protective finish, handmade paper on wood, cold wax, framed.

Moon Dance

2021 14”x 14”, Datura, Queen Anne’s lace, Tomato Sepal, acrylic paint, ink. Handmade paper on wood, protective finish, framed. Sold


2021, 14”x 14”, Pulmonaria, Fern, Brunnera, Nandina, acrylic paint, ink, protective finish, handmade paper on wood, cold wax, framed.

Wall display

A wall arrangement to showcase the framing.


2020, 20”x 30”, Datura, Ligularia, Poppy, Hellebore, Japanese Maple, Grass, Lichen, ink, handmade paper on wood, protective finish...


2020, 50”x 25”, Fern, Japonica, Pulmonaria, Japanese Maple, Dusty Miller, Cypress, Ivy, Aster, Nandina, Salad Burnet, Lupine, Crane Fly...


2020, 19”x 13”, Sam lives by the inland sea in Japan. Repurposed handmade paper that he made in high school. Seaweed, Whirlygig, handmade...


2020, 13”x 17”, Simply the first of my hybrids. Hydrangea, Pulmonaria, Japanese Maple, Lupine, handmade paper on wood, protective finish...